Thursday, August 13, 2009

Been Thinking...

And that's never good...But with the excitement of this one little test result ...
Making baby Apple number 4 on the way, my reality of LIFE has just gotten really REAL. The questions, the not knowing the answers, the tears, the "hormonal" moments are kicking in. And...YES...I know God knows better than me. I just want to know that I am not alone in this what if's?, what if nots?, the hows? and WHY do people always say the wrong thing at the wrong time??? and why do I feel it necessary to keep IT all together? Because we all know that's NOT the truth, yet the "Martha" in me keeps telling the "Mary" in me pull yourself together girl!!! So that leaves me with my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, my prayers of making my family of soon to be 6 even stronger in this precious time of growth, learning, letting go and loving like there is no tomorrow...How can I not be in total amazement over what God has entrusted me with already!!!


Melissa said...

Oh girl, I feel your pain! I do not know if #4 was planned or not planned, but I so remember when I found out I was pregnant with Katie right after we moved in to "the big house" down here. It was a mixture of shock, fear, disappointment, anger, confusion, scared out of my mind, unworthiness .... but GOD was there! My three biggest fears were (1) ages 2-4-6 with all girls (made it through that one) (2) that my other two were so good that this would be "the dud" (no question there that she is not!) and (3) the fact that there will probably be about 10 years where we have college expenses and weddings about the time Roger and I would be retirement age (that one I am not so sure about, but since GOD has taken care of the rest I figure HE has that one under control too). Once I faced reality that yes I was pregnant, yes I would have 3 kids under 5 and yes we were keeping her/him (we talked VERY briefly about adoption), I had a huge amount of peace. Didn't know the answers, but knew WHO did. Hang in there, girl...GOD is already on the other side waiting for you!


Tara said...

Oh Betty this is amazing news! God knew when he planted that seed that you were perfectly capable of handling this! I am amazed at your motherly capabilities and how you manage taking care of all of your children (the ones that are yours and the ones you are entrusted with every day). You are awesome! I will be praying for you guys during this exciting time!

Wife of the Pres. said...

WOW BETTY!!! Congratulations!!! I know you've been praying a long time!!! God is SO GOOD!

You are right on track in your thinking … you go girl, tears, doubts, fears, joy … just give it all back to God!!!

So thrilled for you!

Anonymous said...

Other than the pregnant part, I am right there with you! Life gets so overwhelming at times! Just know that I am praying for you!
-Beth C

Meredith2603 said...

Miz Betty...I can't tell you how happy I am for you and the gang! You are a fabulous mommy and one of the most inspiring women I know. Don't let the questions and the worries distract you from all that is so glorious right now. I spent the first year after Juliana came home holding my breath rather than focusing on the moments she took my breath away. Enjoy every second of it, even the hormonal moments (I'll bring you a Starbucks, might help)! Congratulations and LOVE YA!

Tonya Lee said...

There is nothing like a pic of a pregnancy test in some almost gross yet life changing way! I am SO excited for you! You and Keith are amazing parents. If God blesses you with a child he will bless that gift (or gifts) and get you through it (believe me I know!). Welcome to the mom of 4 club!!!

Steve and Brandi said...

After reading some of the comments already posted, I have figured out a few things:
1-You have amazing friends,
2-You have amazing support
3-You have an amazing God (though we all knew that!)
I feel positive you will make it.
Remember- let go and let God?
You can do it.

Speaking as a mom of 4- you will never regret it. Its always the suprises in life that seem to cause us to pause, and thats a good thing. My #3 was our a suprise (still cannot figure out when she happened either . . ) but she is more angel than anything else. I know God sent her for a reason.
Hang in there girl! :o)