Monday, January 19, 2009

We are....

That "Family" the neighborhood:
Note: This is really happening
it really is January 19,2009

YES....the "one family" that always keeps the neighbors talking about the loud music, the "one" with the "only" cat that keeps getting into your yard, the "one" only ever whose dogs escape from the backyard and poop in your yard, the "one" family that gets their truck in the paper twice...yes twice as an example for a law that MIGHT go into effect for parking on a street that is too narrow, the "one" that for sure will get a 10 page notice that our tags have expired in April and it is May 1st, the one whose yard might be a half inch taller than the next because of that one weed, but will for sure get a "courtesy warning" to mow it or else, and the examples go on and on...

I am here to admit...I am NOT ashamed of giving people something to talk about...if it keeps them from thinking they have it bad...then I am more than happy to take that from them!

WHY? Because Jesus said so and I found the proof in The Bible...

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31


Tara said...

Ha! This one made me laugh! Your tree still looks so good by the way! Very green and healthy.

jam'n bell said...

Did anyone tell you that Mia is in the WCS InFocus?

Kyla said...

Chris just said, let me hear that again! We are that "one" family who LOVES that "one" family, so maybe we are the real Christians ere....just playing! We love you!!! (Christmas tree in the truck on the road with the expired tags and tall weeds, loud music and crazy animals and all!)

Tonya Lee said...

Wow, you turned breaking code violations into a Biblical lesson complete with Bible verse, only you Betty, only you! You truly have a gift sister!