Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Mom? What does...

WAXING mean?" asks my 9 year old daughter Rylee
I respond with: "What do you mean, by waxing and where did you hear about it?"
Rylee :"My friend says, I need to wax my brows when I get older because they are bushy."
I (with one of those "mom" smiles) say: "you never need to wax, you are beautiful just the way you are!"
Rylee: "Well, do you wax, and does it hurt?"
I (again with a "mom" smile) say: "I have a few times, but no matter what the hair just grows right back, so mainly I pluck, but even then it still grows back immediately, and YES IT DOES HURT!! And if I could go back to 21 years old when I first started this SELF-INFLICTED PAIN on my face I'd rather KEEP THE BUSHY BROWS!"
Rylee: "OK, mom. OUCH!, and what does BUSHY mean?"
I (with an even bigger "MOM" SMILE) respond with: "It's time for bed, now! And I love you just the way you are!"


Tara said...

Ha! I am still laughing about our conversation yesterday. I cant believe how much they find out so young now. Good luck with all of the future questions! Your doing great.