Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I want to do before I die...MISSION TRIP!!!

God has been tugging on my heart for years, probably since I was a child (not even been raised in church or knew what a mission trip was) to help little children, to use your gifts I gave you!
Let me just start by saying thank you God for keeping that "tug" on my heart and for answering it with a YES!

Why am I telling you all what me and God talk about you might be asking yourself? Mainly, because with something great and awesome that He gives comes trials and challenges! And from my most recent post I know "you know who" (Satan) will throw obstacles my way. Therefore, right now I am asking for PRAYERS from all that are cheerfully willing to put the Apples on their list! This is one thing I never ask for is HELP, but I am being BOLD by stepping out of the box per se and doing just that!!!

Oh-for those that don't know the Mission is Nicaragua and you guessed it-little children will be there-orphans that I will actually get to see, love on, pray with and take lots of pictures of with to show all that haven't been can see there really are babies out there that need us to shine our light of Jesus on them!!!!

And...it is NEXT MONTH!!!!

Which leads to my prayer requests:

1. Praising God for saying "GO!"
2. Getting my passport on time and having the money to RUSH it!!!
3. Asking and Accepting donations from whoever is cheerfully willing!!!
4. Creative ways to raise the $1800.00 to GO in 6 weeks!!!
5. That I won't try to smuggle babies in to the country(Really)
6. That I will not worry about my babies that live with me, that I care for Mon-Fri, and Sunday mornings
7. That I will stay focused on home until I leave!!!

I am soooooo excited and look forward to sharing all that God has in store for me before, during and after Nicaragua!!!!


Tonya Lee said...

Betty, if God has laid this on your heart (and I know He has) I say don't worry about a thing. He will work it out and the more difficult or impossible it may seem the more glory it will bring to Him when He works it out! Now, let me say- I'm jealous! I can't imagine you being a much better person, but I know you will come back changed for even bigger purposes!

Melissa said...

I'm so hyped for you! Even though I had longer to plan and think (and worry!), God provided every last detail we needed. It was amazing! I will keep you in my prayers and I will also send you a check to add to your funds! Congratulations! I am a littl jealous too because I am so ready to go on another mission trip!
